Los Tongos / Washed / Honduras / 250g

Origin: Honduras

Producer: Israel de Jesus Castillo

Region: El Sauce, Santa Barbara

Varieties: Pacas

Process: Washed

Altitude: 1680 m.a.s.l.

Flavour Profile: Cantaloupe melon, Pear & Lemon

Israel Castillos family have been involved in coffee production for many years. His grandfather was a coffee producer and he passed on knowledge to the future generations. Israel became a broker in the coffee world and connected many local farmers with San Vicente - an exporter in the Santa Barbara region. 

Benjamin Paz is a producer we buy directly from as well as working at San Vicente. He persuaded Israel to go back to producing coffee and together with Benjamin's cousin he bought a farm in the El Sauce region of Santa Barbara. The region gets its name from a type of tree that grows there. 

Israel planted the coffee trees just 3 years ago and gave his two sons, Franklin and Carlos the responsibility for managing daily operations.

This is the second year of production and we are excited to be able to work with a producer from such an early stage.


We buy this coffee direct from Israel with the help of San Vicente.

Type: Coffee

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