Los Cuarteles / Costa Rica / Red Honey / 250g

Origin: Costa Rica
Producer: Mario Araya Mora        
Region: Leon Cortez
Municipality/County: Tarrazu
Varieties: Red Catuai
Process: Red Honey
Altitude: 1800 m.a.s.l.
Flavour Profile: Butterscotch, Red apple & Cocoa nibs

Los Cuarteles is the name of the micro mill owned by producer Mario Araya Mora. He established the mill in 2014 as a way to ensure consistency in his coffee production. Marios whole family is involved in the production of their coffee and his children look set to follow in his footsteps. Mario produces his coffee in an artisanal way and focuses on the honey method of production which has become synonymous with coffee production in Costa Rica.

The Honey process is often described as a cross between Natural and Washed processing methods taking the best elements from both processes. After the coffee cherries are picked they are sorted and the skin is removed leaving behind a layer of sugar pulp called mucilage. This is what the “Honey” part of the process refers to. The coffee can be sub categorized depending on the amount of this mucilage left on the bean. Yellow honey has the least amount, Red honey lies in the middle and Black honey has the most.

This coffee is produced using the Black Honey method, and as a result has a rounder sweeter flavour with a reduced acidity. 

We buy this coffee directly from Mario Mora with the help of Exclusive Coffees. 

Type: Coffee

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