Sitio Fazendinha Espresso / Natural / Brazil 250g

Origin: Brazil

Producer: Emilio Raimundo de Faria

Farm: Sitio Fazendinha

Region: Mantiqueira de Minas

Varieties: Red Catuai

Process: Natural

Altitude: 1190 masl

Flavour Profile: Dark chocolate, Walnut & Toffee

Emilio Raimundo de Faria began his work in coffee alongside his father, accompanying him to the farms and managing seedlings in the nursery. With his father’s encouragement and advice, Emilio purchased the property for his Sítio Fazendinha and established his crops across 14 hectares of the 22 hectare property. Work was difficult early on with his lack of equipment and experience, but he was able to overcome the challenges thanks to the support of his family.

This lot is a naturally processed red Catuai which is a cross between Mundo Novo and Caturra. The farm is Located on the northern side of the Serra da Mantiqueira mountain range in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais, and most producers here are smallholders who harvest manually, often employing the whole family during the harvest season.

We buy this coffee from Ally coffee.

Type: Coffee

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